Women are outnumbered by men at every stage of the corporate pipeline

Women of color face the most obstacles. For every 100 men promoted to a manager only 54 Black women and 65 Latinas are promoted in what McKinsey calles the “broken rung”. Despite progress, it is estimated that it could take women up to 50 more years to achieve gender parity.

Report: McKinsey Women in the Workplace

Women start with 48% representation, yet only 29% make it to the C-Suite

In the c-suite, men outnumber women in line roles with profit and loss oversight. Moreover, progress is fragile because the increase in % of women over the last few years is correlated with job reductions in roles that disproportionately impacted men.

Report: McKinsey Women in the Workplace

Men are 46% more likely than women to have a sponsor

Having a sponsor can boost promotions, pay raises, and high-profile opportunities by up to 30%. Due to a lack of sponsorship women are not getting the high-profile assignments that often lead to a career changing break.

HBR article